After a long day of work, there's nothing quite as relaxing as a nice, warm bubble bath to ease away the stress of the day. Abbey James Co. was founded upon that philosophy - that pampering yourself and your skin actually can improve your life. The founder, Rebecca, knows all about the benefits of skin care in the most personal way possible. When her daughter was diagnosed with RA, it sent Rebecca on a quest to find things that could help ease the pain. What she found was a fascinating world of beneficial oils, salts, and natural ingredients that also happen to smell delicious and look beautiful when she mixes them up in her studio.
With lovely packaging, natural ingredients, and an overall aura of luxury, it's Abbey James Co's mission to make you feel like royalty. Read on to learn more about this delicious line in our interview with the founder, Rebecca.
Donations for Katie: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us! First, why don't you tell us a little about yourself.
Abbey James: My name is Rebecca Smith, I live in Aurora, OH with my husband and 5 children. I have been making bath and body products for 3 years and hoping to devote more time to my business when my last child enters first grade this fall!
DfK: How did you get started in your craft?
AJ: One of my daughters was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis a few years ago, which led me to search for natural remedies for her pain and inflammation. I discovered all of the benefits of natural oils and dead sea salt therapies and also discovered the wonderful world of handmade soap! Reading all of this new information led me to take notice of the ingredients listed on all of my store-bought products. I realized most of the products offered nothing in the way of REAL or beneficial ingredients. I decided to try a little experimentation, and soon, The Abbey James Co. was born!
DfK: What do you love most about your work?
AJ: I love the artistic side of creating a product, packaging it beautifully and knowing I am offering a highly beneficial product, as well.
DfK: Where do you get your inspiration?
AJ: I love fabrics and papers and usually use those as my jumping off point as far as design goes, or the scent of an essential or fragrance oil may dictate the color or design also. As for the products, I have started with what my family and I need at any given time!
DfK: What made you decide to support Katie through this auction?
AJ: A few years ago, we brought my mother-in-law to live with us during her last months before she died of cancer. MaryAnn was a woman of strength, grace, courage, and faith. Though it was a bit hard, having four children under 6 at the time, it was the greatest gift to me, as well. Spending 24 hours a day with MaryAnn gave me a wonderful opportunity to know her as I otherwise would not have. It also gave me much to contemplate about our real purpose on this earth. Hearing what a person thinks about and recalls when they know they are leaving this earth really makes you think about what we have all been given a chance to do while we are here. I think about MaryAnn so often it is a bit uncanny, but it always helps to keep my perspective on the greater gifts in life. Any time I am asked to give to this sort of thing, it hits a soft spot, and I can't refuse.
DfK: Anything you'd like to say to Katie directly?
AJ: You are obviously an inspiration to all who know you and are giving them a wonderful gift by your courage and strength. The impact you have made is enormous and you should be very proud and know how much you are loved!
You can check out more of Abbey James Co's delicious bath and body line by visiting their shop!
~ Sneak Peek ~
Wondering what pampering products Abbey James Co. will be offering for auction on the 19th? Check out this adorable "Say it with Soap" gift set... just one of TWO pampering gift sets donated by Rebecca. The second gift set has been created exclusively for Katie's auction; if you want to see it, come back on March 19th to place your bids!