The Silent Auction for Katie has begun!
Here are the auction rules - please review these before bidding:
-The auction starts at 12:01 am Friday March 19th, and ends at 11:59pm Sunday March 21st, Central St. Time.
-Place your bids in the "comments" for the specific item you wish to bid on. Please leave a separate comment for each bid you wish to make.
-Please leave your email address in your bids, or make sure that your email address is available in your blogger profile. All bids MUST contain a way for us to contact you, in order to be valid.
-Check the comments for the most recent high bid before bidding. You can check them by clicking "comments" at the bottom of each listing.
-Upon winning, you will have 48 hours to submit payment and email us your paypal rececipt, or another winner will be chosen.
-The highest bidder at the close of the auction (11:59 pm Sunday) wins. Please place your bids in increments of whole dollars. Thank you for participating and good luck!