"How to Make BIG Profits from a Small Mailing List" is a simple, straighforward book created to help small businesses succeed. You don't have to be a marketing pro to grow your business!
With over 30 years experience in the marketing world, Charlie Page is an expert on marketing your business online. This book will show you how easy it is to take simple steps toward a booming business with the tools you've already got available.
Imagine having a list of people who want what you offer and look forward to receiving updates from you about your product. Says Charlie, "I've had people buy that book and within a few weeks have a list of over 1,000 people."
Want it? Bid now!
Bidding starts at $10 - Leave your bids in the comments! Auction closes at 11:59pm Sunday night.
Donated by Charlie Page - learn more about this and the other ebooks on his resource list, Real World Tactics; or check out his enormous membership website for marketing, the Directory of Ezines!