Zippityduda's Emporium of Fabric Delights is bursting at the seams with creative items made of fabric especially for you by Jennine, the artist and creative force behind the shop. From snuggly quilts (well loved by people and pets alike!), to eco-friendly market bags, to the slew of custom orders that she knocks out of the park, if what you're looking for is made of fabric, Jennine is your go-to girl.

This working mom of two packs a lot into her busy schedule! We were excited to sit down with the artist, who was recently featured on the front page of HandMadeNews.org, to learn a little more about her creative process. Read on in our interview below!

Donations for Katie: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us! First, why don't you tell us a little about yourself.
Zippityduda: My name is Jennine and I live in Minneapolis with my husband, two children and a basset hound. For my day job, I work for a state-wide nonprofit and for my fun job, I spend pretty much all my waking moments sewing. I love science fiction television, jam-based music and pie.
DfK: How did you get started in your craft?
Z: My mother-in-law taught me to quilt on a vacation trip to their house in 1998 and I just haven't been the same since. As I learn new techniques, I expand my repertoire so now I sew all kinds of goodies from fabric.
DfK: What do you love most about your work?
Z: My favorite part about what I do is knowing that I am able to create something both beautiful AND useful. We all have certain utilitarian needs in our lives but we might as well have something pretty that serves the same purpose, right?
DfK: Where do you get your inspiration?
Z: Inspiration comes at me from everywhere but particularly music... I find that I will use song lyrics for quilt titles and different music to inspire me as I'm choosing fabric. A quilt made while listening to Iroquois women's songs will look very different from a quilt chosen while listening to the Grateful Dead, but both will beautiful!
DfK: What made you decide to support Katie through this auction?
Z: Although I don't know Katie personally, she is a dear friend of a dear friend which means she's my friend, too. Because my mother is currently battling pancreatic cancer and we are so so so very fortunte that she has insurance to cover her care, I feel that means I need to do something to help support someone who isn't in that same boat. If my creations can help bring Katie comfort by easing the pressure to pay the medical bills, then my mad sewing skills will have achieved something wonderful!
DfK: Anything you'd like to say to Katie directly?
Z: Katie, Sarah has told me you are a strong, kind, vibrant, courageous woman and I'm pulling for you! Sending love and hugs and all the good vibes I can muster.
(Note from the author of this spotlight: Jennine's "good vibes" are powerful stuff, Katie!)
You can check out more of Jennine's work by visiting her shop!
Zippityduda has generously donated seven items for this weekend's auction - that's right, we said SEVEN! Want to know what they are? Browse the auction right now to find out, and place your bids!